


Hello friends, My name is Pritam, and today I will tell you about the ancient Indian money secret.

How do they manage to spend less?

What is their biggest asset?

In ancient times, Indian people had minimal desires; they did not desire more, so they did not suffer from complex psychological disorders. They do not desire to buy new things if not necessary because they have proper knowledge of life.


They are very clear about what they want and how to get it.

At that time, people were not fooling people to make money at any cost.

At the time, businessmen attempted to sell the value. Many people were drawn to the businessman who provided more value. People cannot be easily duped at that time because there are fewer distractions.

They think land is the most valuable asset. It not only provides them with food but also with health.

They have cows, which are their next most valuable asset because it not only produces milk but also contributes to fertilizers production.

Cow urine is an insecticide.

You know milk is the best cleaning agent, which is why they used it as a body cleanser.

When combined with Multani mitti, crud can be used as soap.

"Do you know that at that time the most essential thing was food, which required fertilizers and pesticides, but they did not spend a penny due to the cow dung and urine?

They make different types of fertilizers using cow dung, for which they have to spend no money.

They cultivate everything on their land. As a result, food spending became nil.


People in ancient India did not eat meat because they believed it helped them relax and maintain calmness. Humans' priority is food, which most people in India get for free, and the second most important thing is health.

Due to eating organic food, people have no diseases; they thought diseases occurred due to any bad habit.

They start their day by roaming their land during their morning walk to keep themselves healthy, which is their main reason for inquiring about the land every day.

After that, they dig the land for farming vegetables. Digging or breaking soil into small pieces is the greatest exercise.

When they dig the land and break the big pieces of soil into smaller ones, there is overall body exercise due to this activity, which I believe is the best exercise.


In ancient India, people did not have to waste energy working out at the gym. Instead, they use their energy on land to cultivate vegetables. This is more profitable than going to the gym, as the right use of energy got them vegetables for free and they also got health benefits.

Some people think that this would be too much work and that we should just stick to going to the gym, but just think about it.

People's professions in ancient India were carried forward by their advantage, whether good or bad or by the fact that it had already happened, so whatever the problem, they simply had to ask an older person about it.

They did not pay a gym membership fee, but they did get to work out on the farm and receive free vegetables. which I think is fantastic. I believe everyone should lease a plot of land to cultivate vegetables instead of going to the gym and paying a high fee. You only need a grape hole and seed, which I believe is more profitable than going to the gym because

In the end, you get vegetables for free and the health benefits of organic food. By doing farming, you get exercise, but if you still want a more flexible body and soul, you can do yoga and meditation.

All of the ancient Indian practices are intended to reduce people's reliance on money.

If anyone feels unwell, we have Ayurvedic medicine available for free.

The Indian system was so pure that it was unaffected by money.

Ancient Indian people do not like to take loans, they replace the loan by giving something for something.

example if you come to ask for money then you bring something for that it may be big or small does not matter.  

The Four Rules of Indians

  1. study
  2. Feel it by doing it.
  3. Spread the benefit by sharing.
  4. DOCUMENT IT(Write down the experience of different people and understand it.)                                                                                                                                                                                

The ancient people did not depend on money; they valued relationships more than money. They will all solve the problem if someone trots.

You can see that in the Marwadi family.

Time is the period in which people live their lives. People in ancient India made money by farming and serving others.

The earned money is mostly spent on festivals when relatives come home. Apart from visiting tourist attractions, people enjoy visiting the homes of their relatives, which allows them to strengthen their bonds.

Indian ancestors were rich.

People invest mainly in land. More land means more farming, more cultivation, and more money in your pocket, so the more land you have, the richer you are.

That means land is directly proportional to wealth.

The ultra-rich invest,

There is money in gold and silver, and they try to keep 30% of their earnings in gold or silver.

A person's wealth is determined by the jewelry their women wear and the amount of land they own.

The ultra-rich did not waste a single penny; every rupee earned was spent on land purchases, gold purchases, or kept in cash.

When the ultra-rich learn about a new product that will improve their lives, they buy it.

There was no internet in ancient India because there was no computer or television. They read the Gita, Ramayan, and Chanakya Niti to get knowledge; at that time, people also consulted the old man for any information. Old people knew a lot of things back then.

At this time, wealthy people are wealthy and grounded.

But now there's a lot of sawdust on Rich.

Indians understand that producing something valuable and increasing its demand will help them accumulate wealth.

Wealth is something that should never be displayed and should always be hidden.

As an Indian, I always believe that 

  1. Learn
  2. Earn
  3. Understand
  4. keep repeating.

Ancestral Indians perform the work that provides SUKUN, but they leave when it is no longer enjoyable.

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